Two weeks ago, we played against St. Benildus A which we won, and today, we faced St. Benildus B. We secured a 4.5-2.5 victory, with one game to be played. We had some interesting games this weekend.
Dublin Chess Club Lineup
Board 1: WIM Trisha Kanyamarala
Board 2: FM Miguel Cubillo
Board 3: FM Jonathan O’Connor
Board 4: John Kennedy
Board 5: Martin Schimidt
Board 6: Sanjay
Board 7: Mohammad Parouare
Board 8: Oisin Benson
I played on the first board as Tarun was occupied with other commitments, which may have caught our opponents by surprise.
Queen sacrifice game
I had a complex and exciting game, despite being low on time, I found a great tactic to secure the win.
Piece Sacrifice game
On board 3, John Kennedy, despite being in a slightly inferior position, sacrificed a piece instead of opting for a draw and went on to win the game.